Vendor Information

Vendor Information

$150.00 for a 15×30 spot for all 10 days
Swap Meet Spot Reservation 

Pay Now and Reserve your Space (Login Required)

Anyone can set up and sell. Even if it’s just for a day or two you don’t have to stay for the duration but we strongly encourage you do.

Vendors are responsible for maintaining a clean spot and must not display items where they will impede foot traffic or pose a risk to pedestrians.

  • No food or drinks are to sold by vendors.
  • Camping by vendors on their respective spaces is allowed but no campfires in the swap meet area or in your spots.
  • Two armbands will be issued to you; if extras are needed they can be purchased for $10.00 each on-site. If more help arrives after the event begins please see the attendant at the front gate to purchase additional armbands. Ensure that the arm bands are worn for the duration of the event to allow easy access upon entering.
  • Hot showers will be available during the Bike week show only. A pass will be given to each person to allow access to the showers which are located at the Fastlane campground. The location of campground is on the same road that the electronic fair sign is located, and runs parallel to the swap meet. This road will dead-end to their main gate. Showers are free. Be respectful of Campground rules and regulations. Fastlane will not allow driving into the campground area, parking is available in the large field directly in front of the main gate. Bring proper toiletries ie: soap, towel, etc.
  • All service animals are welcome but must remain on a leash or contained for the duration of the show. Please call if you have any questions.
  • No tables available.
  • To purchase ice please pay the front gate attendant.
  • The back gate (staging gate), will remain open during non-business hours. This will allow vendors ONLY access to the premises.
  • 24-hour armed security will be on-site, however, please take appropriate care deemed necessary to secure your merchandise. You and you only are responsible for your merchandise and should secure it with that in mind.
  • All parking for vendors or helpers vehicles shall be parked in the back parking lot next to the back gate (staging gate), unless they will be driven and parked on your space. Parking by the back gate will ensure that there is plenty of parking available by the front gate for motorcycles. Back gate will also be used for all cars and overflow parking of patrons.
  • The back gate will be the only access gate for vendors to drive into the swap meet. Front gate will be primarily used for patrons only.
  • Lodging is available at a reduced rate at the Budget Inn of Deland which is located at 2801 East New York Ave 386.736.3440. Please identify yourself as a vendor at the Volusia County Fairgrounds.


for your business such as banners or signs are welcome and our staff will be happy to assist in locating proper placement for each. Fastlane Promotions LLC advertises very aggressively for our event. We will have posters and flyers available if you would like to contribute to the success of our event. Please feel free to ask and we will be happy to provide you with our advertising literature to be placed or given out in your travels.

Set up day

is always the day prior to the opening day of the swap meet. Set up is from 9 am on. Spot position will be held on the date the payment was received. It is not necessary to show up promptly at 9am, we will be on site till late in the evening assisting and placing vendors. If you cannot make set up day due to emergency or otherwise, please contact us and make us aware of your situation and projected arrival. We will be happy to work with you as we understand that some vendors cannot make it for the full show.

Ground Shipments

can be addressed to 3150 E. New York Ave., Deland, FL 32724. Please make sure you address the package (ATTENTION MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET)

Please bring proper documentation

of payment and registration to make your setup easier. Due to spaces not being marked numerically Troy or staff will personally escort you to your predetermined space.


is not available.

We will have clean restroom facilities

thru out the swap meet area and one at the staging gate.


There is a map on our front page to the fairgrounds.

Follow these directions when at the fairgrounds:

Turn south under the large electronic Volusia County Fair sign, travel down paved road approximately two tenths of a mile then there will be a large gate leading into an open field on your left. The area will be well marked with signs. Drive thru middle of field towards north east towards Hwy 44 (a rodeo arena will then be on your right hand side). Follow signs to the staging gate. Troy and staff will be on site, driving golf carts placing vendors in the order they arrive. Please be patient as we want to insure proper placement of each vendor.